In April of 2019, Charles Barrett ran their 4th annual Adopt-a-Gym event & were lucky enough to introduce their students to two wonderful entities!
Leveling the Playing Field is an incredible 501 (c)(3) that centers their focus on repurposing used athletic equipment to give to students with the desire to play athletics but lack the funds to purchase the equipment needed. Creator Max Levitt came for the event and taught the students how giving can go a long way; he has collected over $1,000,000 of equipment and apparel to be used by those who need it. Incredible!
Alexandria Soccer came in with tons of their coaches and led all the stations at the event. What better way of showing Barrett students one of the great local leagues they can be a part of. Continue to expose them to different options until they find the one they fall in love with. That\’s how you create a happy, lifelong healthy learners! A huge thanks to all who contributed to making this an incredibly successful event. Be the difference…one gym at a time!!